This is Andy Biersack, also know as Andy Sixx. Andy is a musicial, and his most well known act is as the lead singer of the heavy rock band known as Black Veiled Brides. However, he is slowly being better known for his fantastic fecal abilities. He has the ability to produce only the creamiest, cheesiest milky fecal shakes and only the thickest, chunkiest, girthiest logs. These logs have the ability to make anyone choke on the stinky, slick, slippery shit. No one knows how Andy is able to produce these cabin-worthy logs, however world-renown fecatologists have theorized that it is because of his extremely fiber-heavy diet and just how much he eats, while the astrophysicists believe that he has somehow developed a wormhole to a parallel fecal universe, or "fecalverse," for an anus; this theory is heavily debated, and wenever may know unless we organize and start an expedition. Here is an account of an Andy's Log "survivor";
"I was 14 years old at the time, a mere lad. I didn't know much about Andy Sixx, only that he was some singer dude. My sister wanted to go to his concert really badly, so we went. The concert was fine, I thought the music was okay. As we were leaving, a beefy looking security guy said "Hey kids, wanna meet Andy Sixx backstage?" Of course my sister said yes, so I went along. We followed the guy backstage. When I first saw Andy Sixx I noticed he was on the crapper. There were exhausted fan girls laying on either side of him and his crapper. Andy Sixx told my sister to kneel in front of him. I was too paralyzed to do anything. She sucked his dick, then swallowed his cum. Keep in mind she was only 13 at the time. He got off his crapper and sat on her face. Then he clogged her throat with his steamy creamy log. I knew I was next. By this time my pants were down, I was furiously masturbating. I opened my mouth for his faeces. Andy Sixx pressed his asscheecks to my face. I came as he took a big fat steamy, creamy, chunky log into my mouth and down my throat. I could feel the heat of the log, it very slowly descended down my throat and into my stomach. We then were escorted back to the parking lot, we walked back home. We told nobody about what happened. I could feel the log as a laid in bed later that night. Its warmth still permeated my guts. I heard whispering, and tapping on my window. It was Andy Sixx. My knees were wobbly, and weak. I opened the window. Andy Sixx pressed his cold asscheecks to my face yet again. This time he took an even bigger shit down my throat. It was sticky, and there was corn in it. I couldn't breath for almost 40 seconds. In that time I had came in my underwear, hands free. My eyes were red and watery, I couldn't see. Once my vision cleared I looked for Andy Sixx. But he was gone. I wanted to thank him for my experience. I heard a whisper from far far away. "You're welcome." That's the story of how Andy Sixx took a dump down my throat." -Adolf Hitler